Finally! Finally, finally, finally! A few days in a row with the sun shining and feeling warmth in my face and on my skin! I cannot even begin to tell you how much that means to me and how much it has lifted my spirits. For me, this time of the year is the greatest. It's like a rebirth of everything surrounding me. Nature is blooming all around me, around you, and I can't hide my excitement. I'm happy! My kids are happy!!! And the big girls at the farm are happy! I can see it in their eyes.
They absolutely love it outside! Going out to their pasture is like going for a walk to the local playground. Some run around and leap about like crazy little kids and them some of them are more laid back and content to take in all the fresh air, the sounds all around them and just chillax a little bit. Either way, I guarantee you they are counting their blessings right now for not being stuck in that darn old barn any longer.
Here are some of our beauties who were nice enough to give me close up shots of them and say a few words about their day. Wisdom from cows, who would've thought?
"Hi, my name is Terri. I can be a little bit stubborn in the barn at times, heck, even outside of the barn at times. My boss, Dana, gets a little frustrated with me, but she deals with it because she thinks I'm pretty. If there was one thing I could share with you it would be this, every time we remember to say "thank you", we experience nothing less than heaven on earth. I hear Dana thank me a lot when she gets done milking me. Thank you for not kicking me she says."
"Hello there! My name is Kristy. I love being outside and having the freedom to roam in the pasture. Dana asked me to share some wise words with you so here goes. There is a calmness to a life lived in Gratitude, a quiet joy. I am always grateful for the hay and food they provide me, and a good old massage on my head and neck area from her every day doesn't hurt either."
"Hola Senioritas (practicing my Spanish today)!" My name is Amanda and I LOVE this gorgeous weather we are having and just LOVE to be outside with all of my friends. When I am having one of my bad days, and Lord knows we all have those, I just remind myself of the following - Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. So, so true! I don't ever envy those guys across the road over there, I just appreciate what I have over here. That's enough for me. Have a nice day!"
And so you have it!
Smart girls I must say. I think they've taught me a few things over the last year and a half. And I know I'm a different person than I was before they came into my life. Without a doubt farming puts life into a totally different perspective. You couldn't possibly understand without having lived it yourself, trust me.
I bet the "girls" would like going to The Dairymen Mooosical! It is at the Kewaskum High School auditorium, but it is not put on by the high school. Brenda Strack from Beechwood wrote the comedy. It is the best play I ever went to-it was definetly worth it. The final showings are the weekend of May 18th.