Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kitchen Concerts

For any of you that truly know me, you will know by now that I have a huge love of music and the arts in general.  Every single song that I hear on my Ipod or on the radio will speak out to me heavily and have a special meaning to me.

I am especially fond of the words to music and the message they send to me.  I can hear songs and associate them with specific timeframes, people, places and all sorts of things and I more than likely have one of the widest varieties of music on an Ipod than anybody else does.

I have broadway musicals, hip hop, pop rock, country, heavy metal, classic rock, christian, you name it, it is likely on there.  And if I could, I would listen to it all day long and when I go to bed at night too, as music calms every single part of me.

It has become a ritual for me to put my Ipod on shuffle every night when making supper in our kitchen.  Depending on the kid's activities that night determines whether or not they are able to attend my kitchen concerts and be part of the show.

Seriously, markers become microphones, the east side of my kitchen is the audience and my stage is typically right at the end of my countertop.  Then I become this amazing singer, starring in the musical Wicked or Phantom of the Opera, or one pissed off Allanis Morrisette singing You Oughta Know, whatever mood strikes me at the time.  I even start moonwalking to Beat It if you catch me in the right mood, I bet you'd like to see that, heh?


This may all sound a bit strange, but who knows, maybe there are more starlets hiding out in this area than I think?

All I know is it releases a ton of stress for me, and the kids and I usually have a ton of fun doing it.  Many times we are all bopping around, getting our groove on, and looking like a bunch of total idiots.  I wonder sometimes when the windows are open if our neighbors hear us and wonder what the hell is going on?  Maybe they want to come over and be a part of it?


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