Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.
-- Oprah Winfrey

First and foremost, I apologize.  I'm sorry it takes so long for me to post lately.  I have good intentions of getting on here more but then other things happen and I get sidetracked.


Not that I want to point blame at anybody for my lack in posting, but if I could I'd have to point it at those three adorable faces up above.  Seriously, they keep me on my toes and they really like to have Mom's attention when I'm not at the farm "hanging out with the girls".

I guess I can't blame them for that, I'm a pretty fun chick to hang out with most of the time.  And I'm also pretty competitive so playing board games with me and playing against me on the Wii can make things even more exciting.  Not to mention our exciting dance-athons in our teeny tiny kitchen.  Our favorite song for those at the moment is Gangdam Style.  Who cannot dance when that song comes on?

We've been busy.  Not only at the farm trying to get the Fall harvest complete before that crappy cold/white stuff starts flying, but at home as well.  Samantha had been practicing regularly for her very first high school musical Footloose, which was performed three times this weekend and a big success, Zach had been playing soccer up until a few weekends ago and well Luke, well he's just Luke and keeps me on my toes ALL THE TIME.

There just never seems to be any time left in the day to do much of anything else and I've become very thankful for early departures to my bedroom to sleep for the night.  And also thankful for a break in my day to just sit and watch the latest episode of DWTS on my DVR.  Oh yeah, and my coffee.

For me, life has really become about the little things.  The little things that so many people take for granted so they can get all wrapped up in the greed that has overtaken this country and this society.

Life to me is about the simple things.  These kinds of things.

A good old jump in your pile of leaves.  The kids hate raking them for sure, but to them it is all worth it when they have this to enjoy at the end of it.

Watching my boys sleep together.  To me there is nothing more comforting and peaceful than these moments.  It makes you feel like you did something right.
Smiles on my kid's faces.  Nothing makes me happier, being a parent, knowing that I was able to bring joy to their life in some way, shape or form.
I also can't deny a good ol' piece of pizza makes me smile (I think I could eat pizza every day).
And some Partylite candles burning in my house.  Still my ultimate dream job if I can ever work it back into my crazy schedule.
I am very thankful for God's beauty surrounding us.  Every little inch of it.  Even this morning, when it is rather brisk outside at the farm, the sunrise was absolutely gorgeous.   I will admit when I had an office job I didn't truly appreciate it, I was rarely out in it.  But now, I soak it all in and listen to every little noise from nature.  I breathe in every little scent (good or bad) and I marvel in His creation.

 And last but not least, I am thankful for my family.  My husband, my kids, Lucy our dog, my Mom, Brother, Sister, In-laws, our Fathers, little Adam, Nieces, Nephews, Grandparents and everybody in-between who have molded me into who I have become today.  Life is trying, life is tiring and it's not always filled with joy and happiness, but I do believe it has been the trials and tribulations that have made me grow and have made me stronger and for sure have made me way more appreciative of the little things.   God Bless!!!


  1. Great post Dana! You are right that you have much to be thankful for! Thanks for the inspirational message! Take care!:)
